EXSS is a new Triathlon Event Management Posse that specialiZes in new, fun and innovative races. Triathlon is a changing landscape and we have to change and be the changers to new and interesting styles of races. That is where EXSS was born.
Our first race was a set of three short super sprint draft legal races that age group and elite triathletes could race. After great success and a massive learning curve we then turned that into a three race series, the first ever EXSS Super Sprint Draft Legal Series in Australia for age group and elite triathletes. We are now into our third year and we are still innovating the races and series each year.
We then turned our hand to Duathlons that had been in the same format for untold years of
run-bike-run and changed that to our ethos of “more transitions are better” and made it the EXSS Duathlon of run / bike / run / bike / run. The change of format was a totally made for a totally different style of race and certainly made all athletes feel they had done a lot, even though the distance was the same. We are now running a 3 race series involving both formats of racing. We have also been given the honour of being the Triathlon Australia World Qualifying Race for Duathlons in Western Australia.
Our latest race is the EXSS X-TRI which is an off road triathlon. With the help of Shire of Mundaring we have a fantastic multi lap course at the beautiful Lake Leschenaultia that keeps spectators and athletes looking forward to more adventure. With it being only a very short drive from the centre of Perth it makes it the most accessible off road triathlon in WA and even being the asked to be Triathlon Australia World Qualifying Race in Cross Triathlon.
EXSS has a couple of simple philosophies that we like to follow
- build it and they will come
- always put the triathlete first
- always be innovative in the style of race we want to put on
- always have fun running and being a part of the race
- always consult the triathlete
Super Sprint racing consists of 3 x small draft legal races the distance of 300m swim, 7km bike and 1.5km run, the order of the races can be a traditional Swim, Bike, Run or they can be mixed around to make racing more fun. After each athlete completes one race they will have a chance to recover and work out their strategy for the next one. The racing is fast, furious and fun but allows for no mistakes but is guaranteed a great time. If you are experienced or a complete novice to draft legal racing this is the perfect environment to give it a go. Closed roads, controlled racing and a friendly, encouraging environment makes it an ideal day of racing.. Stop thinking about it, come on down and give it a go..
During the 3 races in the Series, athletes have a chance to gain points.
Race Day athletes in each super sprint will accumulate points based on their position crossing the finish line ie. 1st = 1 point, 2nd = 2 points, the athlete at the end of the 3 races with the lowest total will be the winner on the day.
The Final Race 3 ends The Series - the total score from each will be added and the Series Winners will be crowned and the celebrations and bragging rights begin.
There will be prize money for Open Athletes at the end of the race day and the end of the race series, so if you have ever thought about making the step up to open racing this is a great chance.
Numbers are strictly limited to ensure athlete safety so get in quick..
EXSS is Perth, WA’s only race series of the 2019/20 season so make sure you don’t miss the opportunity to race this exciting format and have some of your most memorable days of racing Australia's first and only Draft Legal Race Series.